Friday, May 4, 2012

3 months

Our baby girl is 3 months and 3 weeks old.  It is amazing how fast it has gone, but then again it seems like she has been here forever.  I really can't remember what my life was like without her.  I guess every parent feels this way, it just seems weird that she hasn't been around for very long.

In the past three months we have watched her grow from a tiny 7 pound 9 oz little tiny thing to the 15 pound 4 oz cute little chunkster that she is now.  It has really been amazing to see her come into her little personality.  We have always known (well for 3.5 months) that she was a pretty laid back baby.  We are so lucky that she sleeps trough the night, she really only cries when she is hungry (which is often) and when she is tired.  She loves to smile and is starting to constantly laugh which is oh so funny.  She recently started "standing up", or maybe the better explanation would be that she is bering weight on her legs and when she is standing Jacob tells her "look at this baby standing up" and she just laughs and laughs.  She thinks that waking up is one of the funniest things.  I walk into her room and look at her while she is laying in her crib and she gets this big smile on her face, picks her legs up towards her face, then squeals and slams them down on the bed.  She could probably do this for a good 30 minutes if I let her just lay there :).

Kate is growing so fast and with her growing and becoming more alert there are going to be some fun and challenging things that are going to come.  One of the more fun things we are trying to teach her is sign language.  Our families are all really into learning the language and we can not wait to be able to teach her.  I think learning another language will be really great for her and sign can come in handy.  It will allow us to communicate with her before she can speak, but it will also let us communicate in quite places, or without yelling across a park or the house.  Who knows, it might come in handy some day.  We also get to start solid foods too here in the next few months.  I am going to make her baby food so that will be a fun little challenge.  She recently rolled over from her tummy to her back which was a fun thing to watch.  I was afraid she was never going to be able to do that because she just wasn't a fan of being on her tummy.  She is getting stronger and more used to tummy time now so watching her learn to roll over and eventually watching her learn to crawl will be fun, but we can wait on the crawling part for a while.

Jacob and I are just so lucky to have her.  We had a strong love and Marriage before she came along, but she absolutely makes it stronger.  I know what most of you are thinking, yea yea we were only married for four months before we got pregnant, but we have been together for 7 years now and living together 4 of those so I think that counts :).  She brings so much joy to our lives.

Here is a sneak peak of her three month photo shoot that happened to be a mommy and me shoot for mothers day! Thanks to the amazing Angel Porch at Art and Soul Photography for the amazing photos! She's the best!



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