Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mothers Day!

My first mothers day was awesome.  My day was really a weekend full of fun!  It started out Friday when My mother in law sent me flowers.  Having flowers at work just makes any girls day better.  Then friday night I had a good time hanging out with my parents and just having a laid back night.   Saturday morning my mom and I had breakfast and then went to a make up / mini facial special at the Chanel counter in Dillards.  We had mini facials, our make up done, had punch and snacks! It was a fun time.  Late saturday night we had my cousins graduation party and that was a fun time too! Sunday, Mothers day, was a great day.  My mom and I had a whole brunch planned for that mid morning and I couldn't wait! I had found these super cute mothers day printables that I was super excited about and they turned out so cute!
We ended up having a lovely brunch with my parents, Jacob's mom, my grandma, and my aunt and uncles family! We stuffed ourselves and then were sleepy the rest of the afternoon.  That night we took Jacob's mom out to the Melting Pot.  We Love love love the melting pot! Yes I realize you are cooking your own food but the atmosphere and the fact the food is really good is so fun! Misti had never eaten fondue (I know right?) so we took her for her mothers day present! I have been bugging jacob about getting the Melting Pot cook book for some time now and when we walked up to the table they had one waiting for me! woo hoo! I get to make all those fun recipes at home now! watch out for invitations to a fondue party soon! hehe! Any ways it was a great day and I felt really special.  

My sister sent me a video on friday night that was made by johnson and johnson (Here it is) and it said all of the right things that a new mom needs to hear.  All you want to hear is that you are doing okay.  During these past 4 months taking care of Kate when I have never taken care of a baby before it is really easy to doubt yourself and think you are not doing things right. It's true I have not done everything right but I look back and see that I have at least done OK.  As jacob says "she's alive".  I hope that I can continue to do the best I can raising her.  If you see a new mom out there tell her exactly that... She's doing just fine.  I promise you It will make her day. 

I can not thank my Husband and my parents enough for being so great to me on sunday, and every day.  Love you guys!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fathers Day Printables!

Most of you all know that I love to plan parties and events.  I love love love parties.  We have a monthly birthday party and one of my favorite parts of my job is helping plan them.  I was helping some girls at the office plan the birthday party this month and I made the cutest pennant banner! The colors are a robyns egg blue, brown, and white.  I love these colors together and I realized I really really love these colors for Father's day! This is a big fathers day because it is Jacobs first! I am so excited to throw him a big Fathers day party this year and I decided to make the banner from the birthday party into my fathers day banner! I ended up makeing a banner, cupcake toppers, place cards, and signs! I thought you all might want to throw your own fathers day parties too so I thought I would share my printables!! I LOVED making these so hopefully for future parties and events I can create more and share them with you!

so here they are! FREE!

{Free Fathers Day Printables!}

I will update with pictures after we have the party! woo hoo!

Friday, May 4, 2012

3 months

Our baby girl is 3 months and 3 weeks old.  It is amazing how fast it has gone, but then again it seems like she has been here forever.  I really can't remember what my life was like without her.  I guess every parent feels this way, it just seems weird that she hasn't been around for very long.

In the past three months we have watched her grow from a tiny 7 pound 9 oz little tiny thing to the 15 pound 4 oz cute little chunkster that she is now.  It has really been amazing to see her come into her little personality.  We have always known (well for 3.5 months) that she was a pretty laid back baby.  We are so lucky that she sleeps trough the night, she really only cries when she is hungry (which is often) and when she is tired.  She loves to smile and is starting to constantly laugh which is oh so funny.  She recently started "standing up", or maybe the better explanation would be that she is bering weight on her legs and when she is standing Jacob tells her "look at this baby standing up" and she just laughs and laughs.  She thinks that waking up is one of the funniest things.  I walk into her room and look at her while she is laying in her crib and she gets this big smile on her face, picks her legs up towards her face, then squeals and slams them down on the bed.  She could probably do this for a good 30 minutes if I let her just lay there :).

Kate is growing so fast and with her growing and becoming more alert there are going to be some fun and challenging things that are going to come.  One of the more fun things we are trying to teach her is sign language.  Our families are all really into learning the language and we can not wait to be able to teach her.  I think learning another language will be really great for her and sign can come in handy.  It will allow us to communicate with her before she can speak, but it will also let us communicate in quite places, or without yelling across a park or the house.  Who knows, it might come in handy some day.  We also get to start solid foods too here in the next few months.  I am going to make her baby food so that will be a fun little challenge.  She recently rolled over from her tummy to her back which was a fun thing to watch.  I was afraid she was never going to be able to do that because she just wasn't a fan of being on her tummy.  She is getting stronger and more used to tummy time now so watching her learn to roll over and eventually watching her learn to crawl will be fun, but we can wait on the crawling part for a while.

Jacob and I are just so lucky to have her.  We had a strong love and Marriage before she came along, but she absolutely makes it stronger.  I know what most of you are thinking, yea yea we were only married for four months before we got pregnant, but we have been together for 7 years now and living together 4 of those so I think that counts :).  She brings so much joy to our lives.

Here is a sneak peak of her three month photo shoot that happened to be a mommy and me shoot for mothers day! Thanks to the amazing Angel Porch at Art and Soul Photography for the amazing photos! She's the best!


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

The weight loss post

Okay okay okay.  I know yall don't really want to read another  "weight loss blog" so I promise that I will not turn this entire blog into bitching about losing weight, but I am going to post about it every now and then. It's an active part of my life and that's what this blog is for.  So here it goes.

It's not a secret that I have gained some weight over the past few years.  I obviously have some work to do when it comes to my body and my health. In the past I honestly have not ever had a problem with my body.  I won't say I didn't get upset when I went jean shopping or when swimsuit season came around, because I did, but I was over all pretty content with myself.  I lost this content after Kate was born.  After she was born everything was stretched out, saggy, and just plain ol soft.  Gross.  I actually lost all of my pregnancy weight really fast.  I gained 30lbs on the dot which is a great healthy amount of weight to gain.  As of one month ago I was back to my pre pregnancy weight but with lots of extra skin and stretch marks. Again, gross.  I'm not quite ready to reveal my actual weight but I will tell you that as of April 1st I set a goal to lose 65 pounds.  Thats a lot of weight.  I have short term goals too which I think are helping me keep the slow and steady wins the race mentality.  I have a goal to lose 30 pounds by august.  I think this is super obtainable and I am well on my way.  I set these goals with Kate on my mind.  How great will it be for me to be healthier to be able to keep up with that little squirmer later! I need to be healthier for myself first of all, but also for her.

What inspired me to write this post today was meeting my other short term goal.  Thanks to my awesomely supportive hubby I set my goal for April which was to lose 10 pounds.  As of this morning I met that goal.  I lost 10 pounds this month which is awesome.  I don't think I have actually hit a weight loss goal in a LONG time.  I woke up this morning feeling proud of myself, healthier, and ready to kick it in gear and continue this month.  I plan on having the same goal for May.  10 pounds gone by June 1st.  As to how I lost those 10 pounds I have to say I am really just trying to make healthier choices and I have been going to the gym.  I found an iPhone app that I LOVE called lolo treadmill.  The app creates interval workouts for me and gradually increases the intensity every time.  I have been going to the gym at least 5 times a week for the month of April.  I plan on keeping that routine up.  I don't think I have ever felt so good about working out.  It hasn't come easy but I have some great support!  Along with Jacob cheering me on I have a friend, Jessica, that has been keeping me motivated.  I felt really proud to be able to tell her this morning that I hit my goal.  I love that she is proud of me just as much as I am proud of myself.  That right there is a great friend.  I am so lucky to have her as a friend. 
As with any great blog you have to have pictures, and on any successful weight loss blog you always see "before" and "after" pictures.  I don't know what makes me think that this helps them lose more weight and stay motivated, but I do think it helps. I took my "before" pictures at the beginning of April. I took pictures of myself that are internet appropriate (with clothes on) so I could share them on my blog. I don't particularly know why I have felt nervous to put them up before, but I really debated if I should or not.  I decided yesterday that everyone that is reading this blog has probably met me and they know what I look like, and If they haven't, well great, they will have something to compare to when I post my next pictures later.  I think it is allowing me to put everything out on the table.  I'm not hiding behind anything anymore.  They aren't the best pictures ever but you get the point. So here they are.

                                       Please excuse my messy room, workout clothes, and blurry pictures :)

 I also took them for myself (with less clothes on) and someday when I'm ready I might just share those with you to show how much I have really changed, but for now these will work :).

I hope to share a story that can inspire other people to get themselves to be healthier and happier with themselves.  I am so happy to have everyones support and keep it up because the kind words really keep me going!

End the sappy weight loss post.... NOW!


UPDATE:  I totally forgot to mention one of my favorite people that is helping keep myself accountable.  My great cousin and friend Elizabeth.  She inspired me to join our gym and has been with me every step of this journey so far.  She and I are keeping eachother accountable and also giving me someone to chat with at the gym.  I love you and sorry I forgot you ;)

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