Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Work out Wednesdays

I am dedicating Wednesdays on my blog to working out.  There are all kinds of work out inspiration photos, instructional videos, and smart pieces of advice on the internet these days so I think I want to use this platform to talk about them and how they are helping me in my life and hopefully to inspire you to do the same.  I am really trying to get myself in shape and working out is a major factor in that.  I have a few problems with working out: 1) I hate it 2) I feel like I have better things to do 3) I get bored within the blink of an eye.

After I had Kate my body had completely transformed it's self.  I was pretty proud of the fact that I had only gained 30 pounds during pregnancy (because I already had some to lose) and actually got that off pretty quick.  Since the day I came home from the hospital I have lost a total of 51 pounds. sounds pretty good right? I have dropped all of my pregnancy weight and lost an extra 20 pounds.  I should be feeling awesome about myself right? Well guess what. I measure everything by pant size.  My pant size has not changed one bit from my pre pregnancy size. Thanks to pregnancy my weight, my body shifted so much that I lost weight in other areas like my arms, thighs, and butt, but my hips, stomach, and boobs have stayed exactly the same or gotten bigger! How frustrating is that?! Well it was all for the cause and I would do it 100 times again if I had to, but It made me realize that to get where I want to be regular exercise and toning is going to have to be a part of my life.  

I have recently started jogging/ walk-running intervals and felt like that was good enough, but I know that I get bored easily so I have started going to my trusty friend pinterest to find some fun things to do to switch it up! I want to share one of my new favorite things I have found.  

I have started doing this quick short work out during a quick 10 minute break at work a few times a day.  I love this because it is a small quick calorie burn that adds up.  If you can do this 3 times a day on top of your regular work out that is 300 calories extra burned. If you do this 5 times a week thats 1500 calories! How awesome is that?! I just recently started doing this but I will report back on how it's going and how I feel like it's helping.  I do know that i'm trying to do it when I'm wanting to snack and taking my mind off of food and onto burning calories! 

Let me know if you try it and how it's working for you! 



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